blah blah blah

A lot has happened….I got fired and then hired again….not fired literally…but the Boss i.e. the Hon’ble Judge decided that this is not the right place for me since i am a beginner and said that a job with him would hamper my initial growth. He also has also asked me to join him after 6 months of practice in the Courts. So..he suggested that I join a lawyer….So..after being ill and at home for 10 days, I joined a working with her…

Have you ever felt as if you are having a directionless life?? As if every morning you wake up, you realise that you have to follow that same monotonous routine. eating.working.sleeping.more working and more sleeping. There is so much I want to do…but it’ll take time. But patience is something I dont have.

I want to be away from home, just for a while. To travel.

I want to open a school for street kids.

I want to fight cases of those who cant afford a lawyer.

I want to change the atmosphere, make world a better palace for my kids when they come into this world.

I just don’t want to exist..i want to live. Make a difference. Even if its o.000000001%.

I wish to do so much…but the question is HOW!!

Everyday i wake up thinking whether I am doing the right thing, whether I have joined the correct profession, if yes then whether I have joined the right place. So many doubts nd confusions in my mind.

For once i want to have a clear mind…free from confusions and apprehensions. Nothing helps. No one helps. Everyone suggests a different thing, a different direction.

I wish I was a kid again….when all my tensions revolved around where my pencil went or why have I not eaten today’s lunch box.